//www.rentthetour.com/index.php/zh-CN/tea/lab Sat, 24 Aug 2024 16:36:05 +0800 Joomla! - Open Source Content Management zh-cn admin@admin.com (demo2.5) Laboratory of Atmospheric Environmental Chemistry //www.rentthetour.com/index.php/zh-CN/tea/lab/5129-2630 //www.rentthetour.com/index.php/zh-CN/tea/lab/5129-2630

The laboratory of atmospheric environmental chemistry was established in 2010. It currently possesses many apparatus for sample pretreatment, such as Ultra-Pure Water System, Ultrasonic Washer, Shaker, Muffle Furnace, Dryer, Rotatory Evaporator, Clean Bench, etc. In addition, many analytical instruments will be purchased for characterization and speciation analyses of aerosol compositions, such as organic matter, water soluble ions, metallic elements, and so on. Furthermore, the room for cell culture will be built for investigation on the health effect of aerosols.

The objective of the group of atmospheric environmental chemistry is to study complex process of air pollution. Our research focuses on the mechanism of pollutant transformation and source apportionment of aerosols and its health effect to provide theoretical and technical supports for the goal of air pollution control.


Operation Areas for Sample Pretreatment



Nitrogen Blowing Concentrator



Developed PM2.5 Sampler (GUCAS1.0)






Constructing Aerosol Samplers



Aerosol Samples



Lab Technician/Assistant Professor: ZHANG Yang

Tel: +86-10-88256365

Email: zhangyang@gucas.ac.cn

Laboratories Thu, 26 Apr 2012 17:50:00 +0800
Laboratory of Environmental Microbiology and Ecology //www.rentthetour.com/index.php/zh-CN/tea/lab/5130-2631 //www.rentthetour.com/index.php/zh-CN/tea/lab/5130-2631

The commonality laboratory of College of Resources and Environment (CRE) is established to meet the needs of both teaching and research. The laboratory currently undertakes the teaching experiments in environmental microbiology and ecology. CRE laboratory is equipped with many modern, sophisticated instruments, such as, HPLC, GC-MS, PCR, DGGE, Real-time PCR, etc. The equipments of CRE laboratory can meet multiple research directions, including: (1) Environmental Biotechnology; (2) Environmental ecology; (3) Atmospheric Environment; (4) Water Pollution Control Technology; and (5) Environmental Chemistry and Ecotoxicology.


Gel Imaging System

Gel Imaging System


Polymerase chain reaction (PCR)


Denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis system (DGGE)


High-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC)


Pure Water Machine


Hybridization Oven


Ultra Low Temperature Freezer



Lab Technician/Assistant Professor: LIU Ruyin

Tel: +86-10-88256732

E-mail: lry1981@gucas.ac.cn


Laboratories Mon, 23 Apr 2012 11:31:00 +0800