//www.rentthetour.com/index.php/zh-CN/res Wed, 21 Aug 2024 15:46:47 +0800 Joomla! - Open Source Content Management zh-cn admin@admin.com (demo2.5) Human Geography //www.rentthetour.com/index.php/zh-CN/res/3665-div-0 //www.rentthetour.com/index.php/zh-CN/res/3665-div-0
Based on theories of economic geography, urban geography, regional economics, industrial economics and related disciplines, the Human Geography researches at CRE currently focuses on three fields: 1) Regional sustainable development and environmental economy; 2) Determinants and evolution mechanism of urbanization; 3) Regional development and urban planning. Research tasks now undertaking include projects commissioned by the National Natural Science Foundation, programs supported by the Ministry of National Science and Technology, the Ministry of Land and Resources, China Urban Planning Institute and other units.
Urban Planning Design
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Division Wed, 02 May 2012 13:36:00 +0800
Geographic Information System (GIS) and Applications //www.rentthetour.com/index.php/zh-CN/res/3666-div-1 //www.rentthetour.com/index.php/zh-CN/res/3666-div-1

GIS division emphasizes on both geospatial techniques such as geo-sensor data collection, precise point positioning with GNSS, geo-processing and geospatial analysis, multidimensional data visualization and their applications in field survey, environmental modeling and resource management. The development on these aspects takes full advantage of an integrated solution of open source and proprietary geospatial toolkits based on open interoperability standards. Recent research topics and grant-in-aids from three faculty members include "visual mining methods of multidimensional spatial information" and "geo-processing workflow of WebGIS" supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China, "generating a routable road map from vehicle GPS traces" by Knowledge Innovation Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, "dynamic decision supporting system for coal-bed gas surface gathering" and “3D Pollution Diffusion Simulation System For Three Gorges Reservoir Basin” by National Science and Technology Major Project of the Ministry of Science and Technology of China.


Artificial Weather Warning System


CBM Surface Gathering Manage System


Software of Water Eco-functional Regionalization


3D Pollution Diffusion Simulation System for Three Gorges Reservoir Basin


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Division Wed, 02 May 2012 11:41:00 +0800
Ecology //www.rentthetour.com/index.php/zh-CN/res/3667-div-2 //www.rentthetour.com/index.php/zh-CN/res/3667-div-2

    The ecological research at CRE currently focuses on three fields: (1) Effects of climate change on ecological processes; (2) Plant's life-form strategies; (3) Landscape pattern, processes, and dynamics. Specifically, the research objects at CRE include: (1) Response of carbon cycling in grassland ecosystems to climate change (2) Emission characteristics and controlling of greenhouse gases in grassland ecosystems; (3) Plant's ecophysiological aspects of climate change; (4) Underground ecological processes and controlling mechanisms; (5) Spatial analysis and scale issues; (6) Dynamic simulation of grasshopper meta-population; (6) Structure and function of urban riparian buffer; (7) Carbon-water cycling processes modeling; (7) Plant's water-use strategies; (8) Drought severity assessment. The current research projects include: (1) Carbon and water cycling processes at multiple scales (NSFC); (2) Multi-scale pattern-process interactions among urban land use, riparian zone structure, and transfer of nitrogen and phosphorus in river (NSFC); (3) Comparison of plasticity in water-use strategy between Leymus chinensis and Stipa grandis (NSFC); (4) Warming effects on formation and stability of soil organic-mineral complexes in Kobresia humilis meadow – micro-scale study (project of CAS "Knowledge Innovation Program"); (5) Potential relationship between spatial pattern of stomata and plasticity of stomatal density (project of CAS 'knowledge innovation program); (6) CH4 and N2O Emission from northern temperate meadow steppes of China (project of CAS "Strategic Priority Research Program").


Ecological Experiment


Grasshoppers Grazing Grasses (Taken in Xianghuangqi, Inner Mongolia)


Gas Sampling on Grassland


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Division Thu, 26 Apr 2012 22:51:00 +0800
Remote Sensing and Applications //www.rentthetour.com/index.php/zh-CN/res/3668-div-3 //www.rentthetour.com/index.php/zh-CN/res/3668-div-3


    Based on the knowledge of geographic science, and by the technical means of remote sensing and relative study areas, the research on mechanism, theory and method of remote sensing and their applications in natural resource survey, dynamic monitoring and management of environment and disasters are carried out. Now, the main projects involved are: study on land surface parameters integrated retrieval based on the spatial and temporal knowledge, National 973 project; quantitative retrieval technology of land surface temperature by thermal infrared hyperspectral data, National 863 plans project; research of inversing land surface temperature and emissivity using satellite thermal infrared hyperspectral data, the National Natural Science Fund Project; research of LIDAR Data Processing and Demonstration, international cooperation key project of Chinese Academy of Sciences; soil moisture retrieval and water balance simulation by optical remote sensing data in Qinghai – Tibet Plateau, China-EU cooperation in science and technology special; soil moisture retrieval in drainage basin scale by remote sensing, Knowledge innovation project of the Chinese Academy of Sciences etc.





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Division Thu, 26 Apr 2012 16:39:00 +0800
Groundwater Environment System and Contamination Control //www.rentthetour.com/index.php/zh-CN/res/3669-div_4 //www.rentthetour.com/index.php/zh-CN/res/3669-div_4
By applying the advanced monitoring and analyzing technologies, numerical simulation technology, and system optimization approaches, to investigate temporal and spatial variation of groundwater attributes and system responses pertinent to different controlling factors, identify primary processes of groundwater environment systems, quantify the groundwater contamination risk and corresponding impacts on water environment systems, and figure out the optimal solutions for controlling groundwater systems and managing water resources. Currently, the undergoing research projects (responsible completely or partially) include 1) solute transport in porous-fractured complex geologic media of vadose zones and primary controlling factors of groundwater contamination (NSFC Project); 2) Evolvement mechanisms and effective managements of the groundwater system in the North China Plain (Major State Basic Research Development Program of China (973 Program)); 3)Simulations and risk assessments of groundwater contamination along the central line of the South-North Water Transfer Project (The Major State Science and Technology Program for Water Pollution Control and Treatment); 4) Comprehensive risk assessment pertaining to groundwater contamination (National groundwater contamination control and remediation program); 5)Comprehensive assessments and decision support system for Yongding River ecological restoration (Beijing Major Science & Technology Program).
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Division Wed, 25 Apr 2012 17:27:00 +0800
Carbon and Nitrogen Biogeochemical Cycle //www.rentthetour.com/index.php/zh-CN/res/3670-div-5 //www.rentthetour.com/index.php/zh-CN/res/3670-div-5

 The research field mainly focuses on the following four areas: (1) the coupling of carbon and nitrogen cycles in the terrestrial ecosystems and its responses to global change such as elevated atmospheric nitrogen deposition and CO2 concentration enrichment. (2) the effects of environmental changes on biodiversity, community structure, and carbon sequestration in the terrestrial ecosystems.3the application of stable carbon and nitrogen isotope techniques in global change ecology and4the modeling and simulation of processes and functions in the terrestrial ecosystems in the scenarios of global change. Presently, the above studies are funded by the National Key Research and Development Program, titled “the effects of increased atmospheric nitrogen deposition on key processes of carbon and nitrogen cycles in an alpine meadow on the Qinghai-Tibaten Plateau” (2010CB833502), National Natural Science Foundation of China, titled “responses of soil nitrogen immobilization, transformation and loss to low level nitrogen input in an alpine meadow on the Qinghai-Tibaten Plateau”  ( 31070435), Fund of Key Laboratory of Agricultural Environment and Climate Change of Ministry of Agriculture, titled “the early effects of elevated CO2 concentration on soil carbon dynamics in the rhizosphere of soybean-wheat rotation system ”, etc.


Experimental Fiels in Inner Mongolia Grassland


Professor DU Rui's Group


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Division Wed, 25 Apr 2012 17:19:00 +0800
Atmospheric Environment and Health Impacts //www.rentthetour.com/index.php/zh-CN/res/3671-div-6 //www.rentthetour.com/index.php/zh-CN/res/3671-div-6 Our study on atmospheric science aims to explore the source, transportation, transformation and fate of pollutants in atmosphere, as well as the associated health outcomes induced by air pollution, using physical, chemical, biological, and some other advanced analysis and monitoring methods.Three major research fields are conducted currently focusing on atmospheric chemistry, environmental monitoring instrument development and environmental health study. Ongoing projects include some National Natural Science Foundation projects, “Role of Bioaerosols in Ice Nuclei Freezing Processes” and “Characteristics of Bioaerosols in Atmosphere Precipitation”, a Strategic Projects of Chinese Academy of Sciences CAS,“Development of New Remote Sensing Detector Appliedon Aerosol Profiles and Anthropogenic Source Proportion Assessment”, a “100-talent program” of CAS, “Performance of Atmospheric Reactive Oxygen Species and Their Health Impacts”, as well as an International Academic Program (IAP) cooperated with the University of Wisconsin-Madison and University of Minnesota, “Health Outcomes by Indoor Biomass Combustion Sources”, etc.

Atmospheric Monitoring

Atmospheric Fine Aerosol (PM2.5) Monitoring (Shenzhen, 2011)
Ice Nuclei
Experiment of Ice Nuclei Freezing
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Division Tue, 17 Apr 2012 08:44:00 +0800
Environmental Microbial Technology and Microbial Ecology //www.rentthetour.com/index.php/zh-CN/res/3672-div-7 //www.rentthetour.com/index.php/zh-CN/res/3672-div-7 Current interests are the analysis of microorganisms in pollution environment by using traditional microbial methods and molecular biological technology and the application to waste water treatment process and bioconversion of solid state wastes.  Our ongoing subjects include (1) Levoglucosan and its kinase as trace indicator for cellulosic biomass burning;(2) Studies on molecular mechanism and enzymatic proteomics of dye degradation with yeasts; (3)Molecular ecological analysis and control strategy of pathogenic microorganisms in typical wastewater treatment processes;(4) Cloning and expression of levoglucosan kinase gene of yeasts;(5) CO2 fixation in desert area by photosynthetic autotrophic microorganisms;(6) Formation mechanism and control strategy of biofilms in pipe networks of drinking water; (7) Studies on biological identification and population dynamics of filamentous bacteria related to sludge bulking.


Observed Sludge Bulking via FISH Method

Water treatment

Water Treatment Device for Coal Bed Gas Original Water
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Division Tue, 17 Apr 2012 08:43:00 +0800
Agricultural Resources and Environment //www.rentthetour.com/index.php/zh-CN/res/3673-div-8 //www.rentthetour.com/index.php/zh-CN/res/3673-div-8
Team’s research programs are always focused on the basic theory research and new technologies and methods in agricultural resources sustainable utilization. Currently, research focuses on the following fields: Soil pollution and remediation, Soil fertility evolution and environmental effect, Control migration of nitrogen and phosphorus in soil, Decentralized domestic sewage treatment with nutrient recovery, Agricultural solid waste pollution control and nutrients reuse, Soil environment and the agricultural product quality safety etc. Altogether undertakes scientific research project 14 items, among National Natural Science Fund Project 5 items (Study on bioaccessibility of lead in contaminated soil and it's risk to human health, Assessment of lead bioavailability in vegetables with an in vitro digestion-Caco-2 cell culture method, Sulfur-induced microbial and abiotic dechlorination of chlorinated organic compounds in soils, Chemical behaviors of sulfur in rhizosphere of rice and its influence on uptake of heavy metals in rice, Speciation and bioavailability of sulfur in calcareous soils); among National Science and Technology Support Program 3 items (Research and development of key equipments for decentralized sewage collection and pretreatment for meeting the demand in rural region, Research and development of key technologies of control pollution in rural region, Integrating control of pollutants from decentralized duck breeding in Baiyangdian); among the Knowledge Innovation Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences 3 items (Fate of antibiotics from decentralized duck breeding and ecological effects in Baiyangdian, Bioavailability of heavy metals in animal waste and its regulation; ecological cultivation and fertilization for vegetable at greenhouse); among 863 Project 3 items (Phytoremediation combined with permeable reactive barrier for the remediation of heavy metals-contaminated soil; Migration of nitrogen and phosphorus in soil at vegetable fields at Taihu lake region; Integrated control of pollutants from non-pointed sewage at suburban region).
Phytoremediation Experiments in Greenhouse
Experiment of Effect of Plant on Free Metal Ion Concentrations
Organic Fertilizer Production Process Based on Sludge Fermentation
Sewage Collection - Treatment - Reuse Process for Village and Town Area
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Division Tue, 17 Apr 2012 08:41:00 +0800