//www.rentthetour.com/index.php/zh-CN/announcement Wed, 21 Aug 2024 15:38:40 +0800 Joomla! - Open Source Content Management zh-cn admin@admin.com (demo2.5) Presentation: Public Health and the Urban Built Environment //www.rentthetour.com/index.php/zh-CN/announcement/5121-2720 //www.rentthetour.com/index.php/zh-CN/announcement/5121-2720

In October 21st, 2012, Dr. Jonathan Patz from University of Wisconsin-Madison, will give a presentation, titled “Public Health and the Urban Built Environment”, to CRE faculty and students in Room 315 of Teaching building at 10:30am.


In both China and the United States, there has been a steady increase in chronic diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, cancer, and strokes.  These stem, in large part, from unhealthy behaviors including poor diet, smoking, and urban design – especially with regard to transportation by vehicles with the internal combustion engine and urban sprawl's greater distances required to travel. These factors make "active transport" (by walking or biking) less convenient, and as as result, promote unhealthy sedentary lifestyles.  This presentation will review some examples of poorly designed urban features, and detail a case study of how low-carbon transportation in the Midwest US and other parts of the world can yield tremendous benefits to human health and cost savings for local government.


Jonathan Patz, MD, MPH, is Professor & Director of the Global Health Institute at the University of Wisconsin in Madison. He Co-chaired the health expert panel of the US National Assessment on Climate Change and was a Convening Lead Author for the United Nations/World Bank Millennium Ecosystem Assessment.  For the past 15 years, Dr. Patz has been a lead author for the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (or IPCC) – the organization that shared the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize with Al Gore.


Dr. Patz has written over 90 peer-reviewed scientific papers, a textbook addressing the health effects of global environmental change, and most recently, a co-edited five-volume Encyclopedia of Environmental Health (2011).  He has been invited to brief both houses of Congress, served on several scientific committees of the National Academy of Sciences, and federal agency science advisory boards for both CDC and EPA. From 2006 to 2010, Dr. Patz served as Founding President of the International Association for Ecology and Health.  In addition to sharing the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize, Dr. Patz received an Aldo Leopold Leadership Fellows Award in 2005, shared the Zayed International Prize for the Environment in 2006, and earned the distinction of becoming a UW-Madison Romnes Faculty Fellow in 2009. 


Aside from directing the university-wide UW Global Health Institute, Professor Patz has faculty appointments in the Nelson Institute, Center for Sustainability & the Global Environment (SAGE) and the Department of Population Health Sciences.  He also directs the NSF-sponsored Certificate on Humans and the Global Environment (CHANGE). 


Dr. Patz earned medical board certification in both Occupational/Environmental Medicine and Family Medicine and received his medical degree from Case Western Reserve University (1987) and his Master of Public Health degree (1992) from Johns Hopkins University.

Announcement Sat, 20 Oct 2012 22:02:00 +0800
2012 Technical Seminar on Microbial Molecular Ecology by Majorbio //www.rentthetour.com/index.php/zh-CN/announcement/5122-2721 //www.rentthetour.com/index.php/zh-CN/announcement/5122-2721   

Title: Application of 454 High-through Pyrosequencing on Biological Research



  • Analysis of environmental microbial community diversity
  • Bacterial genome sequencing
  • Transcription group sequencing
  • Genome re-sequencing
  • Analysis of gene expression profile


May 16th (Wednesday) 7:00-9:00 pm

Steps-classroom 1-3, Teaching Building
Announcement Tue, 15 May 2012 09:41:00 +0800
Invite Alumni to Attend CRE Spring Hike and Dinner on May 4th, 2012 //www.rentthetour.com/index.php/zh-CN/announcement/5123-2722 //www.rentthetour.com/index.php/zh-CN/announcement/5123-2722   

On May 4th, 2012, CRE students and teachers will have a spring hike followed by a dinner together.

Route of the hike has been selected in Beijing Botanical Garden. Students and teachers are requested to gather in front of the main entrance of Beijing Botanical Garden by 2:00pm, and then walk through the selected route. There will be short free time at leisure after the hike (approximately 3 hours) and everybody will be gathered by 5:30pm, and then Mr. JIA Ping will lead everybody to the restaurant, Brazil Grill, in Yongding Road. The dinner will be at 6:30pm.

We warmly welcome CRE alumni to take part in the activity. It would be a big help if you can RSVP to Mr. JIA Ping: jiaping@gucas.ac.cn, or call +86-10-88256152.

Activity would be postponed if unexpected weather occurred.


College of Resources and Environment

Announcement Fri, 27 Apr 2012 14:51:00 +0800
Call for Volunteers for 2012 Resources & Environment Summer School //www.rentthetour.com/index.php/zh-CN/announcement/5124-2723 //www.rentthetour.com/index.php/zh-CN/announcement/5124-2723   

The 2012 “Resources & Environment” Summer School will be started since July 10th and will last for one week. Undergraduate students from universities all over China will meet in Beijing for seven days visiting, discussion, presentation and practice, as well as some other academic activities in some CAS institutes in Beijing. To conduct these activities safely and effectively, 5 volunteers are needed, for the responsibility of:

- Supervise about 20 students as the class leader;

- Organize activities of the supervised class such as basketball match, English debate, campus visit, etc.;

- Exchange message between CRE offices and the students;

- Other logistic issue.


The application deadline is July 1, 2012. Applications, including a vita, a personal statement should be sent to:


Ms. WANG Yanpei

HR Secretary

College of Resources & Environment

Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences

19A Yuquan Road, Beijing 100049

E-mail contact: wangyanpei@gucas.ac.cn

Tel: +86-10-88256149
Announcement Fri, 27 Apr 2012 14:49:00 +0800
Notice for Application:Grand Challenges Explorations Project of Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation //www.rentthetour.com/index.php/zh-CN/announcement/5125-2724 //www.rentthetour.com/index.php/zh-CN/announcement/5125-2724   
An instructing seminar will be held in the steps classroom #2-2 in April 22nd, 2012, 4:00-6:00 pm, cooperated by CRE, and Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, to present instructions for applications of the Grand Challenges Explorations(GCE) Project of Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
With the total amount of 100,000,000 dollars,GCE is a Global Development and Health Project of Gates Foundation. The project collects and provides financial aid for bold and non-traditional research programs in the world to explore and discover the breakthrough innovation scheme. The purpose of these schemes is to solve the serious diseases and development problems which bring the most damage to the people in developing countries but are little concerned.
The project encourages individuals or organizations to submit the application, regardless of region, discipline or age. Meanwhile, individuals, organizations or enterprises engaged in non-health field are also welcome. To simplify the application process by the greatest extent, the applicants can submit a two-page English application online by logging in the GCE official website without the need of providing the data information of preliminary research. Therefore, the young innovator without any experience about applying international fund can also easily finish the application.
GCE supports millions of projects at the early stage including the originalities without opportunity to practice and the scientists from various disciplines all over the world. Once selected, the proposal will be funding US$100,000 from Gates Foundation. If the project has the potential to get the achievements, it has the opportunity to apply the additional funding of US$1,000,000.
The ninth round of application has been started. The subjects are listed in the GCE Project Application Guide of Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. The deadline is 2:30 am, May 16, 2012, Beijing Time (11:30 am, May 15, 2012, U.S. Pacific Time).
We welcome GUCAS teachers and students to submit your unique and attractive application!
More information about the project can visit the official website: http://www.grandchallenges.org/Explorations/Pages/introduction.aspx
The Chinese information can be found in website:
http://www.guokr.com/zone/gceor http://page.renren.com/bmgf
Announcement Tue, 17 Apr 2012 12:18:00 +0800
Call for Sponsors: 2012 Resources & Environment Summer School Organized by CRE in GUCAS //www.rentthetour.com/index.php/zh-CN/announcement/5126-2725 //www.rentthetour.com/index.php/zh-CN/announcement/5126-2725   
The call for sponsors for the 2012 Resources & Environment Summer School is now open.
We particularly welcome sponsorships from
1. International organizations with an interest in resources and environment study
2. Trusts and Foundations in the field of resources conservation and environmental protection
3. Industrial firms working in environmental engineering, information engineering in geography, urban sustainability and the energy sector
4. Private benefactors supporting resources and environmental causes
Sponsorships can be combined with exhibition during the period of 2012 Resources & Environment Summer School. Sponsors can opt to insert a promotional item in the students’ bag or apply for an advertisement page in the summer school program.
For more information, please contact the CRE staff of 2012Resources & Environment Summer School: cre@gucas.ac.cn.
Announcement Tue, 17 Apr 2012 11:18:00 +0800
Call for Logo Submissions for College of Resources and Environment //www.rentthetour.com/index.php/zh-CN/announcement/5127-2726 //www.rentthetour.com/index.php/zh-CN/announcement/5127-2726   
College of Resources and Environment (CRE)would like to invite all the alumni of Graduated University of Chinese Academy of Sciences (GUCAS), as well as scientists and engineers in the resources and environment fields all over the world, to submit proposals for CRE logo contest. The best logo will be voted by all CRE alumni via an online questionnaire then selected by all the faculty and stuff. The winning logo and author will be announced on the website of CRE. Also the winning author will receive a cash price and recognition in our official website. Submission must be received by May 2nd, 2012 (Beijing Time).
CRE Logo Contest Rules and Guidelines
1. Submissions must adhere to CRE and GUCAS visual identity guidelines. Please go to http://cre-en.gucas.ac.cn for more information.
2. The contest is open to all GUCAS alumni, and scientists and engineers in the resources and environment fields all over the world.
3. All submissions must be submitted electronically and received by Beijing time May 2nd, 2012. Submit them by email toguanzl@gucas.ac.cn. For questions and comments please contact Mr. GUAN Zailin, the contest coordinator at guanzl@gucas.ac.cn, or call +86-10-88256400.
4. Submissions must be accompanied by contact information and a short explanation (no more than200 words) of what is the significance or meaning of the logo. Please include your name, country,full address, and member grade and member number. There is no limit to the number of submissions.
5. Due to the requirements for printing and re-sizing, submissions must be submitted in scalablevector graphic format (EPS). A JPG version of the logo is also requested.
6. The logo may contain the word “CRE”, or the Chinese name of CRE.
7. Submissions must not include any copyrighted images. Submitters should take care to ensurethat their entries are not in any way similar to existing logos or other copyrighted images.
8. The winner(s) will be announced on the website of CRE. The winnerlogo may become the new CRE Official Logo, after approval.
9. We reserve the right to postpone or end the contest, if we deem the number of appropriateentries to be insufficient.
10. Participants agree that entry into this contest constitutes an assignment of all ownership interestsin submissions, including copyrights, concept, etc., to CRE. Submitted entries becomethe property of CRE in perpetuity. Submitters hereby grant permission to identify themin connection with the logo submissions.
11. The results of the competition are final and failure to comply with all contest guidelines will resultin disqualification.
College of Resources & Environment
Announcement Tue, 17 Apr 2012 11:17:00 +0800